Our First Date

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Homestudy Approved - THANK GOD!

I can hardly believe it but this evening we got an email that our homestudy was FINALLY approved. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry it's been such an emotional rollercoaster. Hubby and I were out to dinner discussing what we were going to do. We'd just about decided to switch agencies when I checked my email and there it was. Hubby thinks we should just proceed on with our current agency as opposed to starting over with someone else. Perhaps he's right. Hold on Gracie we're making progress, slowwwww but steady.


SweetLadySutton said...

Good Morning Terrie,

I know you & hubby are estatic! Just the reassurance we needed. Praise God.

Anonymous said...

I told you, He is moved by our tears and moans more than our words. The Holy Spirit hears all and makes intercession on our behalf. He knows the desires of our hearts, and our destinies were preordained even before the foundations of the world were laid!!!