Our First Date

Friday, July 11, 2008


Yesterday, we were able to have Gracie's foreign adoption "recognized" by our state. Some call this "readoption". It was a quick and painless process thank goodness. Some states make it really difficult with a waiting period and all kinds of hoops but not so here. This also enabled us to change her name. Today I mailed the forms to the vital statistics dept. so that a new birth certificate can be issued with her permanent name. So my sweet girl will heretofore and forever be known as the fair "Noelle Grace". There's a debate raging on the forum regarding whether or not to retain your child's Ethiopian name. The name that Gracie was given I did not like.....at all. As her parents, hubby and I reserve the right to choose her name and that's what we did. For others who choose to keep the Ethiopian name I say that's wonderful, each family has to make their own decisions. What I don't care for is the self righteous attitude that some people adopt when it comes to this. Gracie is OUR child, any decisions made concerning her will be based on our beliefs, concerns, wants and or needs etc. I sometimes feel other APs put to much emphasis on the child's birth family. Constantly showing the child the life dvd, placing pics of the birth family in the child's nursery etc. Now for older children this may be a pertinent thing to do. However, I can't see how it benefits a child that you adopted as a young infant. I think it would be far wiser to focus on your relationship with the child instead of constantly reinforcing the image of the birthfamily . I am not Gracie's babysitter, second mom, stepmom, second best mom whatever. I am her mother, period. When the time comes we will tell our sweet baby girl everything we know about her birthmother and do our best to answer any questions she may have. However, I refused to have her entire life revolve around her genetic beginnings. Smooches


Bennett said...


I don't think I could have said it any better. I agree w/you 100% regarding the focus and energy that is put on the country and the birthmom/family. I know the importance of making sure there is a connection, but my GOD let the child be a child, and when the time is right then the story should be told. I am so happy to see that you have returned from ET and don't have all those second thoughts that I read a/b on the forums and blogs, that so many APOs come back with, that WHAT, IFS, and BUTS..........

Tami said...

I hear you!

VALARIE said...

Now that is the momma bear coming out! I agree families have to make the choices for their families. Like you said it is the strong stands that what's right for one should be LAW for all others. Your baby will not know other parents -- you're it, you choose! And anyway, she looks like a beautiful Noelle Grace so that fits.

Queen Diva said...

I hear you girl! It's your choice. I personally chose to keep my daughter's Ethiopian name. I happened to like it and I had no problem with it. I kept her name exactly the way the Ethiopian Government put it on her birth certifiate.
