Our First Date

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Flu Monster

I am sick as a dog with the flu. I've been sick since Tuesday and I'm not getting any better. Man oh man I don't know when I've been this sick. There's not one part of my body that's not aching and on fire. I've missed the 48 hr window for Tamiflu so I guess I'll just have to ride it out. If anybody knows any home remedies please share. Despite my best efforts to shield my sweet girl, she's developed a runny nose and a slight cough. God I pray it doesn't get any worse. I called the pediatrician and they said to give her Benadryl for the runny nose so that's what I've been doing. This seriously sucks!
Oh a happier note, here's a pic of my 2 sweeties at the park the other day.


Angela said...
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Angela said...

Good warm Thera-flu works for me Terrie. I hope you feel better soon!

You need a prayer lifted from the annointed. The last time I was really sick, my praying girlfriend called with a prayer that drove out all sickness. A few hours later, I had energy and was having dinner with my husband.

Be healed Terrie!!

Gracie's Mom said...

Thanks Angela,
I've been taking Theraflu but only having minimal relief. Please feel free to send up a prayer or two. I would really appreciate it.

Queen Diva said...


I hope you feel better!


Bennett said...

So sorry to hear your are sick. I know for me, I just drink lots of fluids and stay in bed when I have the flu. I drink simply orange juice, and make this old home remedy my grandmother lives by.....here it goes don't know if it will help you


fresh ginger


lemon juice (fresh) squueze

after making keep in fridge
make a jug of it and put a spoon full in tea once daily, and chew and eat garlic and ginger, mixture should be thick. Hope this works

if you have fever and want to break it, and I know this one may make hubby leave the room,

put on a white sock cut a onion thick in size and put it under the center of your foot and put socks on, a few hrs the fever will be gone. I have no proof this works, or if the comforts of knowing grandma has laid her hands on you which makes you feel better all of a sudden, but try it and see, the onion one I can understand if you decide not to try.

M Stokes said...

Hi Gracie's Mom:

We love reading your blog and seeing sweet Gracie! We are from Canada and are waiting for a referral for a little girl between 0-12 months. Sorry to hear you are sick. Thought I would pass this on for home remedies:

1) Take some Vick's Vapour Rub and rub it on the bottom of your feet and then put socks on. If you have a really bad cough, congestion, etc., you'll sleep sound through the night. Use this on little ones too. And this remedy would only work for an adult but gargle with salt water. Salt will kill any type of infection or wound. Gargling with salt water will help your throat if it is sore. And, if you're really a daredevil, you can do "Neti" with saltwater on your nasal passage. If you haven't heard of this, this is going to sound weird but it works like this and a lot of people use this who have allergies, sinus trouble, colds...take some warm water (about a cup) and dissolve a teaspoon of salt (sea salt is best). Use a neti pot or a syringe. Lean over your bathroom sink and inject the water into your nostril and it will come out the other nostril. Then do the same for the other side. I know this sounds gross but it works. Again, the salt kills infection in your sinus'. If you don't believe me, google it and see! I have problems with sinus and this works really well. Hope I didn't scare you off with the home remedies. Get well soon.
The Stokes Family
New Brunswick, Canada

Jebena said...

Bennett & M Stokes both sound like my Mother...and guess what...the ginger/honey/lemon works as well as the Vapor Rub on the feet. Put that together with Angela's prayer that by Jesus' stripes, you are healed...you will be up and bouncing back as well as Gracie.

I've prayed over your chest and your sinus so that they will not be affected by this temporary set-back.

Feel Better!!!

Gracie's Mom said...

Thanks so much everyone. I think I'm finally on the mend. The tea, Vicks and prayers most definately were the key. Thanks again.

M Stokes, after my 2nd sinus surgey, my doc recommended NeilMed saline washes & they've changed my life. I tell everyone I know about saline washes for sinuses.

VALARIE said...

Praying for you to get better really, really soon. We need new pictures of that growing baby.

Sweet Patience said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better! I am late commenting because I have been sick myself. Thanks for your prayer and concern. I know the pain you were in...I was there...still there. I am glad that you did not pass this on to Gracie.