Our First Date

Friday, April 13, 2007

Homestudy Hold Up

Hello All,
Well today I called our agency because we still haven't heard anything regarding our homestudy approval. I was getting very anxious. Turns out they were waiting for 1 document from our sw that I told her to send on Monday. She said THEY told her she could send it later. Come on folks, we've got to do better than this. We already have a several months long wait AFTER all of the paperwork is completed, I don't need unneccesary speed bumps now. She faxed it over and hopefully the approval will be given in the next few days. Then on to the dossier.

In other news. Check out my blog header. Cute huh?! My friend Kena made it pretty for me. I just love it. Shout out to Kena, Thanks Lady!

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