Our First Date

Monday, April 23, 2007

No news is No news!

Well it's now been 2 weeks since my homestudy was submitted. I called and left a message at the agency. No word yet. I am really getting my nickers in a wad because the approval normally is granted within a day or so of the agency receiving it. What on earth is in mine that's taking it so long. Hubby and I have a wonderful loving home, ready for a baby. The hoops that we have to jump through are just ridiculous. I'm feeling blue today anyway so this is just the reason I need to throw myself a big pity party. WAAAAAAAAA, Poor Me!!!


Anonymous said...

No need for a pity party "mom" -- it'll all be worth the wait -- all in HIS time, not ours . . . if we let HIM do it then we don't have to worry regrets


Anonymous said...

No need for a pity party "mom" -- it'll all be worth the wait -- all in HIS time, not ours . . . if we let HIM do it then we don't have to worry about regrets