Our First Date

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Costume Hunt

Hey what's really going on here!

Poor Gracie, we were trying to find a cute Halloween costume for her and subjected the poor child to numerous outfit changes right there in the store. Below are a couple of the contenders but we finally decided on a Pink Leopard. Hubby loved the costume, me aaah well it was ok. I personally preferred the angel costume but hubby wasn't sold on it.

Cow clean up on aisle 1, cow clean up on aisle 1.

This is itchy and hot Mom, get it off!!

On a slightly different note, hubby and I used to decorate our yard for Halloween then we thought the holiday isn't really inline with our Christian values, so we stopped. We did however continue to give out candies to the neighborhood kiddos. Soooo now that we are parents, I wonder is it a wrong move to dress our baby girl up for Halloween? It's just all in good fun.....right?

EDIT The pink leopard is out! Yayyy, I found the perfect costume for my sweetums today. The leopard just wasnt' worthy, sorry hubby;)



Bennett said...

OMG how cute, you guys are having to much fun

I love it........

Stacy said...

yes for me I consider fun traditions and memories and sort of just float by the original intention or meanings of some things ... I mean, I am all about Santa Claus etc

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Nice choice..! These Halloween costumes are really cute and awesome.

VALARIE said...

You all seem like you are having too much fun. Just wait until she grows up and see these pictures. Cute! Cute!