Our First Date

Monday, November 3, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen this is it. Time to make history. If you haven't voted yet please do and do so wisely. Our country needs this man!!! America let's show the world we can make the right choice.

Above all we must all pray. Pray for our nation and pray for this man to lead it


Anonymous said...

OMG ... I must have that magazine cover. Lawdy, how am I supposed to concentrate or get any work done for the rest of the day?!?


Bennett said...

like minds think alike....LOL

I love this Ebony cover w/him on the it.

Girl I am glued to the TV watching CNN........I won't change the channel!!! TV will be lokced to CNN until the very bitter end. I am watching people who are in there 70's and 80's out voting and getting very emotional.

This is something to see w/my own eyes.


Anonymous said...

All of you might as well take the rest of the day off and go home. And while you're at it...take tomorrow off too. This is history unfolding before our eyes and yes Celeste....it is very, very emotional. Wow! What a true blessing it is to live today in a time full of possibilities. Thank God T that our daughters were born where they can be anyone and anything they choose to be! K

Anonymous said...

The whole world is rooting for Obama...that speaks volumes.

Poor fellow...his grandmother passed before he was elected. This has to be surreal right now...there's so much going on for him right now.