Our First Date

Sunday, November 9, 2008

6 Months ago Today

We saw our beautiful baby girl for the first time. It was magical. All the months & months of waiting, longing, hoping were over. There she was alive beautiful and ours!!! Life as we knew it was offically over.

You'll never know how much we love you sweet girl. How Blessed are we that we get to be your parents.


Angela said...

Gracie is such a cute baby. I love the picture of her eating. Your family is blessed-all of you.

Seeing pictures of referrals tonight have been so a reminder of the promises ahead. Thank you T, one day I'll be able to look back just as you have. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Such a personality! Wait 'til she starts talkin' to ya' -- that's when the real fun begins!


Bennett said...

wow! times does fly when you're having fun........I wld. never quess she has only been home for 6 months. What a memory. I recall when you got your referral!! and you just had that one fist of Gracie's showing.......so many memories....she is such a cutie


Gracie's Mom said...

Celeste that is so sweet that you've been following my blog all this time. I absolute CAN'T wait to share in your joyous news.

I'm always praying for you friend.

Bennett said...
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Bennett said...

Yes Terrie Contiue to pray for me and my baby girl!!! Thank you

I have watched and followed your journey for many many months. I was........Even on the Hawaii trip through your post!!! lol. I have to ask you about Hawaii I want to go in 2010!!!

I have thanked you before and want to say again, I so appreciate the joureny you continue to allow us to be apart!!! After you came home the post and pics grew in quanity, and I just enjoy clicking on your blog a few times a day and just smiling at Ms. Gracie and feel pure enjoyment reading your post.

You make this wait acceptable. Watching your journey I know there is a beginning, middle and an end!!!and how sweet the end is!!


Monica Lidya's Mom said...

Congratulations!. It's amazing how the time flies isn't it.

VALARIE said...

It seems like she has been with "us" forever. Watching her grow up is such much fun.

Tricia and Anthony said...

She is so precious! Prayerfully this time next year, she may have a new Texas playmate! :-)