Pre-Gracie, hubby and I loved to go to the movies. Every Friday and many Saturdays we'd see the latest releases. Initially we tried taking our sweet girl with us but as she got older and ahem more vocal that didn't work so well. So we thought we'd take advantage of my mom being in town and catch a show or two AFTER Gracie was asleep.

Soooo tonight I fed my sweetie a big dinner and gave her a cup of milk which is my secret sleep weapon. She went down but popped back up, but after some soothing persistence I got her to doze off. Wheeee hubby let's get going. We were halfway to the theatre when my phone rang. It was the alarm company (WTH), my mom had set the alarm off but it was my fault because I set it wrong and failed to disable the motion detectors. Good grief, the alarm company dispatched the police, oh geez!

I told the alarm company to please cancel the police dispatch. As soon as I hung up my mom called frantic, I could hear the alarm blaring and the baby crying in the background. I told hubby to just turn the car around we had to go back. Hubby said let's justs forget it and try it another night, but I said NOOOOO I want to go tonight. We made it home and shut the alarm off. Ms. Gracie was skinnin and grinnin so happy to see her momma & daddy. I'm sure she thought oh goodie you guys came back to play.

She wasn't going back to bed anytime soon so hubby suggested we just take her with us but I knew we would never be able to see the entire movie if we did. My mom said you guys just go on she'll be fine. After a little prodding from her (very little) we left....again. I felt so guilty leaving her. My mom has severe arthritis, she's 78 and Gracie is a handful. I called twice before we reached the theatre and it's only 15 mins. away. Well alls well that ends well. We watched the movie Seven Pounds, excellent but heartwrenching, and got back home around 12:30am. I went right into my baby's room and even though she was sleeping I picked her up and held her so close. Poor baby was so worn out that she didn't even flinch.

My mom said she did fine but didn't go to back to sleep until 11:30! I'd hope we would also be able to see the new Brad Pitt movie, but it probably won't happen. Oh well perhaps we can find a good bootleg copy (shhhhhhh).