Our First Date

Monday, October 13, 2008

Flower Power

These are a few pics we took while visiting my mom. Here's Ms. Gracie attempting to pick a bouquet for her grandma.

Momma took this pic quick, hoping no little buggies bit her sweet baby.

Here's Ms. Gracie displaying her anti-social attitude. Luckily Auntie had her smiling soon after.

Here's my ultra cool nephrew sporting a hat I found at the dollar store. I can hardly wait till Halloween to wear it.

This lovely lady is Kia, she and my nephrew will be wed in 2010. She's just as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. Nice going nephrew!


VALARIE said...

I smile so much when I come to your site. It's not just because Sweetums is the most adorable baby in blogland but because you all are such a warm and loving family that seems to have been completed with her arrival. I get a lot of joy learning more about your family.

Bennett said...

I also smile each time I visit your blog. You make this look so easy, and enjoyable. I am so happy you hung in there w/the post and pics after brining Gracie home. Most families kinda fall off of the blogging thing once home, I hope I don't fall into that category, and I can pay it foward once I am home w/Kayla.

So again Thank u Terrie for allowing all the moms that are some where in the process of brining their sweet babies home forever to constantly be reminded of all the joys we have to look foward to from your post and pics.


Gracie's Mom said...

This is when the fun starts. I love blogging about my sweetums. Before I was just complaining that she wasn't here yet. Now, I'm living my dream and it's an honor to share it.