Our First Date

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This Day

My heart is so full right now, I cannot finds the words to express my joy. On this day, like so many others, I am so proud to be an American. I love this picture of our President Obama and the First Lady Michelle's hands. She is his rock. Beautiful

Gracie and I marked the occasion by wearing pearls in our of our First Lady.

This is my poor baby looking at her momma screaming, crying and praising God to the top of my longs. Poor baby I hope I didn't do any permanent psychological damage LOL.


Monica Lidya's Mom said...
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Monica Lidya's Mom said...

Hi Terrie,

This morning I also kept thinking about how proud I am to be an American. Sadly I've never felt that way before. I even thought about buying an American flag and hanging it on my house.

Sorry I posted my first comment too quickly and had to delete it.

Angela said...


I left work eary today, came home and shouted aroung the house too. Malia and Sasha were soo cute todau, I called to start our homesudy.

Bennett said...

Yes we can!!!Yes we did. I borrowed the pic w/his hand on teh bible from your blog. Thanks!!


Jebena said...

Terri, you too? LOL!

After all my tears, here's my take of today:

Sasha & Malia's JCrew Coats:$300.00
Mrs. Biden's black boots: $l,500.00
Hands on the bible swearing in: 10K
Our President's swagger down the corridor to be sworn in: PRICELESS!

Anonymous said...

Can you say ... "Mr. President"?


LadySutton said...

My travel buddies and I were staying at a ski resort in Massanutten, Virginia. On our trek to the historical presidental event: we left the resort at 2:00 am, caught the Virgina Railway Express at 5:45 am, and arrived at the L'Enfant station in D.C. at 7:00 am. We proceeded to the Mall amongst throngs of people. There was plenty of Obama love in the air!