Our First Date

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scary Day

This morning my mom woke me up around 4:45am and said her blood pressure was up. I panicked because for her to wake me up it must have really been high. I check it and it was 219/114!!! My heart almost jumped out of my chest, hubby and I both were insisting she go to the ER but she refused, said she would try to get it down on her own. She took an extra blood pressure pill and I continued to check her BP. After about 40 mins it started to gradually come down. Despite her objections, I scheduled an appt. with a cardiologist that I know and that she's seen before. They did an EKG & Echocardiogram and felt they looked pretty good. No significant changes from the last ones. He thought the steroid shots she had in her knees yesterday caused the BP spike, who knows. He changed one of her BP meds, so we'll see how that works. I tell you I was so unnerved today and I'm still worried sick.
On a good note, my sweetums was such an angel today. She played quietly in her stroller and didn't have any outburts. Perhaps my sweet baby felt the gravity of the day. Thank you being such a good girl today Gracie, mommy luvs you so.


Bennett said...

Terrie sorry to hear a/b your mom. I am also happy that things are starting to look better. I know how that can be when there is a sick parent, and you try to get them to the hospital and they refuse!!! I will say a prayer for your mom tonight.

psssss... Gracie is getting older. She looks so much older in the latest pics you have posted.

I guess time does fly when you're having fun.

Angela said...

Hey Terrie,

I'm also going to pray for your mom's healing for her blood pressure. That is a scary. Bless her heart. I sure hope she continues to do well.

Yes, Gracie is growing up and she's so cute. She has her hair up like a big girl. Girls, babies will be babies, she's had her little moment the last time. I'm glad she was calm this morning for you guys.

I was just thinking about you because my mom just came over to spend the night with the flu. You will be in my prayers because you have a lot going on right now. May God contiue to give you strength.

Jebena said...

Terri, I'm praying for your Mom!

Monica Lidya's Mom said...


I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. It is very scary when our Mothers get sick. I hope she gets what she needs to feel better.

Gracie's Mom said...

Thank you all so much and really do appreciate all of your prayers. My mom REALLY scared me today. She seems to be feeling better now though so I hope the trend continues.

Sweet Patience said...

Terrie, I am praying your mom's bp remains normal.Mom's are special. It is scarey when they become ill.