Our First Date

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ok I cry Uncle......Maybe

The last few days my sweetums has really been out of sorts. I took her to have photos made and she was all over the place. Wouldn't sit still so the photographer could get a decent shot. She absolutely wouldn't listen to a thing I said. The photographer said all kids in that age range are that way. I suppose.

The potty training has gone completely offtrack. I had to start physical therapy last week for a bum shoulder & back problem. While I'm at PT hubby doesn't put Gracie on the potty, he'll just put her in a diaper or pullup. Now when I try to put her on the potty she screams like I'm killing her. Yesterday she carried on so bad that I just gave up and put diapers on her. Today I didn't even try.
EDIT: Hubby wants everyone to know that this poorly groomed yard is NOT ours. Gracie is standing in a neighbor's yard. There, happy hubby.

I don't know if I should give up or just push through it. She looks so pitiful when she's crying to get off the potty. She's also teething right now. My poor sweetums is just having a tough time of it. Well tomorrow starts a new week so we'll see what comes.


Queen Diva said...


Hang in there. I no exactly how you feel. She will get back on track soon.


Monica Lidya's Mom said...

Gracie looks so adorable in the second photo, she seems to be contemplating something kind of serious. I feel your pain with the potty training. I was lazy and figured she'll be potty trained before she goes to school so I won't sweat it. My sister did not agree and had a serious talk with Lidya a few months before she turned 3 and that did the trick. She was trained in a week. Now, at almost 4 she's regressed a little and had more accidents in the last 2 months than in the preceding year. She seems to be back on track the last 2 weeks so I think we are really done. Soooo it can be a long process.