Our First Date

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sweet Tators

Ms. Gracie had her first taste of sweet potatoes today, I think she liked em. She's been doing well with the cereal so we're branching out. Her little belly is just not full enough with the formula. We've been home 3 days and I still feel like I'm dreaming. She's doing so well. Still has a little cold though. We're seeing the doctor next Wednesday for a thorough check up. She's such a happy baby and mommy does all kinds of silly stunts to get that sweet lil grin. She loves her new activity mat, she just cooed and babbled when I lay her on it. Excuse her lil runny nose, I had to take advantage of the cute photo op. Smooches


Anonymous said...

She just gets happier and happier! What a blessing! God Bless you all! Karen

Bennett said...

what a cutie

wow, I can't wait for my turn.
