Our First Date

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hubby the Fantastic!

Well I must say, my husband has truely impressed me this day. He and Gracie did just fine without me. When I got home my sweetums was fed, diaper changed and he'd even changed her out of her little outfit into her "lounging" clothes. Go head brother! The trip to the doctor's office was without incident. He dressed her in a cute frock but didn't put her in one of her bows. He said he combed her hair in a new style and it was pretty....uh ok honey, I'll let you have that one. Hopefully he didn't have my child out in public looking like Lil Richard. But seriously, I have no complaints. I breezed home for lunch and they were having a blast when I came in. Daddy had his girl thoroughly entertained. While they had a blast today, I was miserable. I missed my sweet girl soooo much. I could hardly concentrate at school and found myself constantly thinking for goodness sake professor would you shut up, do we have to know every detail of your lesson plan, jeesh, get on with it so I can get home to my snookums. Well, somehow I made it through the day. My, my, my what on earth am I going to do when I have to go back to work. I should start playing the lotto. Smooches everyone

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