Our First Date

Saturday, June 7, 2008

No Autographs Please

Gracie had her first day at the beach today. Hubby couldn't wait to take her. Me...aaahh...not so much. I'm more of a lounging by the pool girl. The beach is too messy but I was a good sport about it. Hubby had a blast despite me constantly reminding him not to let my baby get in that dirty water. He put her feet in it anyway and I quickly dowsed them with hand sanitizer. Sweetums did well for about an hour then she started looking like, "really mommy we could be at the mall". I couldn't agree more sweetums so as hour two approached we waved hubby in from the rough, muddy waters and headed home, yayyy. Hubby promises to buy us a little backyard pool, goodie now that's something I can get with. Smooches


Bennett said...

OMG look at Miss Gracie at the beach!!! Those photos are lovely....I love that dress and it looks really nice on her. I saw it in some store before and wanted to buy it b/c of all the beautiful colors, but I realized I don't even have a referral let alone know my babies size....... :)

Anonymous said...

Love the sunglasses ... such a little 'movin star'!


Ali said...

I love your beach photos. She is so beautiful and that last photo of you and her is beautiful too.